"Have you ever felt... Peculiar?"
Author: Ransom Riggs |
I do believe that this is the first book larger than 200 pages that I've ever read in one day. Yeah, its that good. When I sat down to read this peculiar novel I hardly moved for the next 24 hours. Ransom Riggs is an intoxicating author who draws reader into his books like a magician. His is a tale of mystery, wonder, and a weirdness that you can't quite describe. His collection of mysterious photographs added throughout the book adds to its unique aura. If you're looking for a book that different from all the others and encompasses refreshing new ideas than this is it. And the best part is that once you are finished, there are two more books in the series waiting just for you, "Hollow City" and "Library of Souls". Also the motion picture is already being filmed, conducted by the mastermind director Tim Burton, coming out on September 30 this year. A great read that will have you thirsting for more, and let's be honest, who can't say they love a bit of British humor? I would rate this book for occasional language but thats just about it. My recommendation would go to 10 and up. Do not miss this read, it's a book you'll never forget.
Quote of the Post:"The world is put back by the death of every one who has to sacrifice the development of his or her peculiar gifts to conventionality." -Florence Nightingale